Mr Canada Elite Trainer

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jay Cutler Kills back at Golds Venice with Team Cutler Trainer Eric Di Lauro

Jay Cutler Trains Back
By Eric Di Lauro

Another huge workout for Jay Cutler January 15 th  2011 on the come back for this years 2011 Mr Olympia title. Hungry as ever and ready to improve and get better than the year prior . What is amazing is he is able  to change his physique and grow and become tighter and better every year.

This was a grueling workout high volume and high reps. Take a look at the pic's  , enjoy!!!

Eric Di Lauro
Mr. Canada Pro Trainer
Team Cutler Mr Olympia

Jordan Blechman

Dan Decker top national NPC bodybuilder

Eric Di Lauro
Mr. Canada Pro Trainer
Team Cutler Mr Olympia